Mommy's Blessings

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our Summer Trip

I decided that since I was coming to visit the folks for a couple of weeks that I would make a trip with the older boys and Aunt Emilie to D.C.

It was a good trip aside from the tempers,whining,and anxiety.  We got to do a lot for this one day trip.  The boys said the highlight was getting to ride the Metro.  I have to admit though I wonder what country I was in everywhere we looked you would see people in their foreign dress or hear a foreign language.  Jackson said, “Well,  we live in America and we come here to visit.”

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First stop The National Zoo.  Oh, this brings back such memories, when I was a little girl my parents brought me here, and I can remember having lots of fun.  Trey really loved the Zoo especially the reptile area.  Highlights overall were the Giant Panda’s, Crocks, Lion, tigers, and Apes

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This picture was unique.  The monkeys are grooming each other and I didn’t know what that meant, but they are such social animal that they pick bugs and stuff off each other.  Very interesting, if you can put up with the smell.

The other half of our trip we went to historic D.C.  I wanted the boys to see where the constitution was and how it was persevered.  It is unfortunate that I was not better prepared.  The lines for this were crazy. I wish we could have taken pictures in the building so I could show you just how long.misc., Washinton D.C., Zoo, 274 misc., Washinton D.C., Zoo, 279


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After, The Archive building we soaked our feet in the “cement pond."  Aunt Emilie and the Boys

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Here we are on the mall (the grassy area between the Capital building and the Washington Monument.)

 misc., Washinton D.C., Zoo, 290  misc., Washinton D.C., Zoo, 293Still on the mall.  Mom and the Boys.

We had to touch the Washington Monument.





misc., Washinton D.C., Zoo, 292The White House

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The Lincoln Memorial and the Holocaust Memorial. 

It was a long trip, but worth seeing all the historic monuments and buildings, but or course you can’t see all of it in one day.  So that means we can come back and look at more.  We are so glad Aunt Emilie came with us and so grateful for all of those who kept the twins, could not have done it without you. ( Since the metro was the highlight you might know there are no pictures)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Break

I know I am writing this all backwards Spring break and Easter were a few weeks ago, but we want to keep the family updated on events.
For spring break we wanted to do somthing fun
and managble for mom so we went to Lake Lure.
The boys got to fish and it was enjoyable until the swiming dogs showed up and Jackson's line got caught in a tree.  Well mom doesn't do bait nor can she mircalously pull the line out of the tree. So when I cut the line there were lots of tear, but that was by the end of our trip. Unfortunatly, no fish were caught,  Trey did have a little nibble.

I got to play with the babies and if there had been more shade and less bees it would have been a perfect trip.  The babies loved their stroller ride but hated the sun.  I could not believe it was close to 90 degrees out.
All in all the trip was wonderful.  The trees were beautiful and in bloom and the Lake was quiet. And again it was a good time to visit with minimal tourist.  No crowds less stress especially with little ones.  Perfect place to burn some energy.

Easter and 6months

6 Months already where has the time gone.

Samuel is almost a Sparky 3. Don't you love the hair sticking up at top.

Here are some Easter Pics.

Ah, some brotherly love.

This is as good as it gets with Samuel.
I finally caught both of them with descent smiles

Great Friends

We had a wonderful visit with our friends from Utah.  There is nothing better in life than to meet up with old friends and finding out nothing has changed and we picked up right where we left off.  With only three days to spend together we took them to one of the Cannon Family favorite places Pisgah and it was  the right time of year to go with hardly any tourist, except us of course.

The kids liked climbing on rocks and trees.

Here is the whole gang at Looking Glass Falls

Here's all the Girls.  Are they adorable  or what!!

The littlest girl of are friends loves to pick flowers so she pick these  and gave them to me.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Jackson's Birthday

It is hard to believe that he can be 6 years old! Some of the other things I just realized it that he is my March Madness baby.  This past week Jackson has had a big week for his birthday.  A couple of days before his birthday his class at school had Kite day.  Then we celebrated his birthday with his grandma and had cake.  For his birthday he got tennis shoes and cars.
It was kind of neat for his birthday cake we wrote down touchdown because he is six and that is how many points a touchdown is worth.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blessings and Baptism

March 6 and 7 was a wonderful weekend for our family.  My oldest Son was baptized a member of The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and my twin babies were blessed.  It was great because my family came from West Virginia to join in this celebration. It has been a struggle to get this to all come together due to the weather.  The babies were born in October and my son turned 8 in January, which is when we were going to do everthing since my parents wanted to be there for both. Because of the weather we had to cancel it twice. My husband said it we keep delaying, " I am going to be walking them (babies)up to be blessed."
I can't believe that my oldest is 8 years old.  We are very proud that he made the decision to be baptized.
Here he is with his proud dad.

Here are the babies in there blessing outfits.